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The Black and Blue Bubble Burster

Ó 1999 Anthony Congiano

The Black and Blue Bubble Burster

Did burst a babes balloon

Boy oh boy that boy was bad

And the babe bellowed a tune


The babe blasted it’s blasphemy

To burst this babe’s balloon

The Black and Blue Bubble Burster, bitched out,

Bitch why do you croon


Oh, how I hate to burst you bubble

How I loathe to be the one

To point out your stop

Now, your bubble has opt

To collapse in a toppling pop


The bitching babe’s burring blames burnt bright

And she belted the bad bad boy

The babe then busted a buck from him

Then brought herself a brand new toy


A big blue balloon was brought

The babe bestowed it with a sigh

Then the Black and Blue Bubble Burster

Busted again and she did cry


Oh, how I hate to burst you bubble

How I loathe to be the one

To point out your stop

Now, your bubble has opt

To collapse in a toppling pop


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